Cassie Florido Photography

Welcome to my photography portfolio! On this site, I have displayed my work in live music photography. As a photographer, live music is the main style of photography that has fully captured my attention. I am a fairly new live music photographer and hope to continue to photograph concerts as my life progresses.

Every photograph on this website is an original photo. Please do not redistribute or claim any images as your own. As you navigate through this website, you will be introduced to my photography and gain an insight of who I am as a photographer. The portfolio page on this site contains some of my best work from this year. I have chosen my personal best images to display in my portfolio. On the "About" page you can learn more about my interest in photography. On the "Contact" page, you can find my social media profiles and email address. Feel free to follow my photography journey on social media or contact me via email. I hope by viewing my images you can see my love for music and photography.


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